Through this Lab5 we can compare with Aarch64 and x86-64. we will print "Hello, World" 30 times with order number.
First part: Aarch64 assembler
1. Use the "objdump -d" command and find <main>
this hello object code comes from below c code.
this hello2 object code comes from below c code.
this hello3 object code comes from below c code.
2. How to solve ...
To add order number after "Hello, World" we need to know the order number location and how to add ASCII character as the order number.
so, we use digit_1, and digit_2 subroutines and loop and print subroutines.
digit_1 : add one-digit number behind the "Hello, World"
digit_2 : calculate the number of two-digit behind the "Hello, World"
print: print the "Hello, World" and increased the order number until max
loop: compare the order number whether is one_digit or two_digitnumbers
3. whole code
.globl _start
mov x19,min /*store the min value into x19 as a loop index*/
mov x18,division /*store the division value(10) into x18*/
mov x0, 1 /* file descriptor: 1 is stdout */
cmp x19, 9 /* compare x19(loop index value) with 9*/ digit_2 /* if the value is greater than 9(2-digit), go to the subroutine digit_2*/
bl digit_1 /* if the value is less or equal than 9(1-digit), go to the subroutine digit_1*/
add x20, x19, '0' /* ascii number character*/
adr x30, msg+14 /* the digit location within string */
strb w20, [x30] /* store the digit at the location */
bl print /* go to the print subroutine */
udiv x25, x19, x18 /* divide the value by 10 and store the value into the x25 */
msub x26, x25, x18, x19 /* store the remainder into x26 */
add x21, x25, '0' /* ascii number character */
add x20, x26, '0' /* ascii number character */
adr x25, msg+14 /* the digit location within string */
strb w21, [x25] /* store the digit at the location */
adr x26, msg+15 /* the digit location within string */
strb w20, [x26] /* store the digit at the location */
bl print
adr x1, msg /* store the locatio of message */
mov x2, len /* store the string length into x2 */
mov x8, 64 /* write is syscall #64 */
svc 0 /* invoke syscall */
add x19, x19, 1 /* increment x19 value which is loop index */
cmp x19, max /* compare x19 with max value */ loop /* if the value is not equal to max value, loop it again */
mov x0, 0 /* status -> 0 */
mov x8, 93 /* exit is syscall #93 */
svc 0 /* invoke syscall */
msg: .ascii "Hello World!: \n"
len= .- msg
min = 0
max = 30
.globl _start
mov x19,min /*store the min value into x19 as a loop index*/
mov x18,division /*store the division value(10) into x18*/
mov x0, 1 /* file descriptor: 1 is stdout */
cmp x19, 9 /* compare x19(loop index value) with 9*/ digit_2 /* if the value is greater than 9(2-digit), go to the subroutine digit_2*/
bl digit_1 /* if the value is less or equal than 9(1-digit), go to the subroutine digit_1*/
add x20, x19, '0' /* ascii number character*/
adr x30, msg+14 /* the digit location within string */
strb w20, [x30] /* store the digit at the location */
bl print /* go to the print subroutine */
udiv x25, x19, x18 /* divide the value by 10 and store the value into the x25 */
msub x26, x25, x18, x19 /* store the remainder into x26 */
add x21, x25, '0' /* ascii number character */
add x20, x26, '0' /* ascii number character */
adr x25, msg+14 /* the digit location within string */
strb w21, [x25] /* store the digit at the location */
adr x26, msg+15 /* the digit location within string */
strb w20, [x26] /* store the digit at the location */
bl print
adr x1, msg /* store the locatio of message */
mov x2, len /* store the string length into x2 */
mov x8, 64 /* write is syscall #64 */
svc 0 /* invoke syscall */
add x19, x19, 1 /* increment x19 value which is loop index */
cmp x19, max /* compare x19 with max value */ loop /* if the value is not equal to max value, loop it again */
mov x0, 0 /* status -> 0 */
mov x8, 93 /* exit is syscall #93 */
svc 0 /* invoke syscall */
msg: .ascii "Hello World!: \n"
len= .- msg
min = 0
max = 30
3. The result
4. What I learn..
Through this lab5 I learned another assembler language Aarch64. It is similar to 6502. I was familiar with this coding process because of 6502. Still not easy but I will try.
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