Saturday, January 18, 2020


In this section, It is going to show bitmap code in 6502 emulator.
What is 6502?
The 6502 is an 8-bit processor with a 16-bit address bus. Each pointer in memory is stored in two consecutive memory locations, with the lowest-value byte stored first;.
The 6502 instruction set consist of a number of single-byte opcodes, each of which is followed by 0, 1, or 2 bytes of arguments. 6502 Assembly Language uses 3-letter menomics to specify the operation, and argument syntax to specify the addressing mode.

The emulator has a text area for data entry, a small bit-mapped screen (32x32 pixels), a character screen (80x25 characters), a debug area, a memory monitor, and a message area.
These controls are available at the top of the screen:
·         Assemble - assembles the code in the text area, placing the resulting binary machine language code at $0600 and outputting any error messasges to the message area.
·         Run - runs the assembled code, if it assembled correctly. While the code is running, this button becomes a Stop button.
·         Reset - resets the state of the emulator (see the Memory Map section below).
·         Hexdump - shows, in hexadecimal, the values stored in memory starting at $0600
·         Disassemble - shows a combined hexdump and disassembly of c
lda #$00     ; set a pointer at $40 to point to $0200
                    sta $40 ; Memory location $fe contains a new random byte on
every instruction.
                    lda #$02
                    sta $41 ; Memory location $ff contains the ascii code of
the last key pressed.
                    lda #$07     ; colour
                   ldy #$00                 ; set index to 0
loop:           sta ($40),y  ; set pixel
                    iny                                   ; increment index
                    bne loop    ; continue until done the page
                    inc $41                           ; increment the page
                    ldx $41                           ; get the page
                    cpx #$06    ; compare with 6
                    bne loop    ; continue until done all pages

< Result >

Tya is one of resister transfers. It means transfer y to a, so when the increased index of y, a also increased.
When we see the result of below code, same colour patern repeated 2 times with 16 colours because there are 32 pixels but colour are only 16.
lda #$00     ; set a pointer at $40 to point to $0200
                    sta $40 ; Memory location $fe contains a new random byte on
every instruction.
                    lda #$02
                    sta $41 ; Memory location $ff contains the ascii code of
the last key pressed.
                    lda #$07     ; colour
                   ldy #$00                 ; set index to 0
loop:           tya                 ; add tya
sta ($40),y                    ; set pixel
                    iny                                   ; increment index
                    bne loop    ; continue until done the page
                    inc $41                           ; increment the page
                    ldx $41                           ; get the page
                    cpx #$06    ; compare with 6
                    bne loop    ; continue until done all pages

< Result >

lsr is one of bit operations. Lsr is logical shift right. Therefore bit move to right.
Therfore, same colour is repeated two times. The colour line looks more wide.
When lsr is repeated the colour line is wider and wider. When lsr is repeated 5 times, it look like one line.
lda #$00     ; set a pointer at $40 to point to $0200
                    sta $40 ; Memory location $fe contains a new random byte on
every instruction.
                    lda #$02
                    sta $41 ; Memory location $ff contains the ascii code of
the last key pressed.
                    lda #$07     ; colour
                   ldy #$00                 ; set index to 0
loop:           tya                 ; add tya
         lsr               ; add lsr
sta ($40),y                    ; set pixel
                    iny                                   ; increment index
                    bne loop    ; continue until done the page
                    inc $41                           ; increment the page
                    ldx $41                           ; get the page
                    cpx #$06    ; compare with 6
                    bne loop    ; continue until done all pages
< Result – 1times>
< Result 2 times>
< Result 3 times>
< 4times repeate>
<5times repeate>

asl is one of the bit operations. It is arithmetic shift left so, when it is added colour number 2,4,6,8,10,12,16 is works.

lda #$00     ; set a pointer at $40 to point to $0200
                    sta $40 ; Memory location $fe contains a new random byte on
every instruction.
                    lda #$02
                    sta $41 ; Memory location $ff contains the ascii code of
the last key pressed.
                    lda #$07     ; colour
                   ldy #$00                 ; set index to 0
loop:           tya                 ; add tya
         asl               ; add asl
sta ($40),y                    ; set pixel
                    iny                                   ; increment index
                    bne loop    ; continue until done the page
                    inc $41                           ; increment the page
                    ldx $41                           ; get the page
                    cpx #$06    ; compare with 6
                    bne loop    ; continue until done all pages
< Result – 1times>

lny is increment y. when it used one time it looks like yellow. However, when it is repeated with even number it looks like yellow and black pattern. When it is odd number, when it is completed with yellow colour the loop condition and the loop can ended.
lda #$00     ; set a pointer at $40 to point to $0200
                    sta $40 ; Memory location $fe contains a new random byte on
every instruction.
                    lda #$02
                    sta $41 ; Memory location $ff contains the ascii code of
the last key pressed.
                    lda #$07     ; colour
                   ldy #$00                 ; set index to 0
loop:           sta ($40),y  ; set pixel
                    iny                                   ; increment index
                    bne loop    ; continue until done the page
                    inc $41                           ; increment the page
                    ldx $41                           ; get the page
                    cpx #$06    ; compare with 6
                    bne loop    ; continue until done all pages
< Result – odd times repeated>

< Result – even numbers repeated>

Write code to draw a green line across the top of the bitmap screen and a blue line across the bottom.
define POINTER $10
define POINTER_H $11

lda #$00         ; set pointer to $0200
lda #$02

ldy #$00         ; set index to 00
lda #$05 ; set colour to green

top:    sta ($10),y      ; set pixel
iny ; increment y index
cpy #$20 ; compare y value with 20.
bne top ; if is not meet the condition go back top

lda #$05 ;
sta POINTER_H    ; set pointer to $0500

lda #$06 ; set colour to blue
ldy #$e0 ; set index y

sta ($10), y     ; set pixel
iny ; increment
bne bottom ; if it is not meet the condition go back bottom.

< Result >

Extend the previous code to draw a yellow line down the left side of the screen and a purple line down the right side.
        lda #$02
sta POINTER_H ; set pointer $0200
ldy #$00 ; set index

lda #$07 ; set colour yellow
sta ($10),y ; set pixel
tax ; transfer a to x
tya ; transfer y to a
clc ; clear c flag
adc #$1f ; add with #$if
tay ; transfer a to t
txa ; transfer x to a
lda #$04 ; set colour purple
sta ($10),y ; set pixcel
iny ;increment index
bne left_right

inc $11 ; increment page
ldx $11 ; get the page 
cpx #$06 ; compare with page number 6
bne left_right 

< Result >

When I did this work it was so confusing. I used to think with decimal number but this is machine language. Its base is binary. So do think with binary or hex.

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