Thursday, January 30, 2020

Week3 Reflection - Addressing Modes

Addressing Modes

The 6502 uses a 16-bit address. There are 65536 bytes of memory available to the processor.
The memory location represented as $0000 - $ffff. There are 13 ways to refer to these memory locations.


They are eight bits and not located in memory proper. They are briefly rest here before being sent to another destination. When you use these there are no additional data are required.
ASL  : shift left one bit
C <- [76543210]  <- 0
LSR  : shift one bit right
0 > [76543210] ->c
ROL  : Rotate one bit left
        C -< [76543210] <- c
ROR  : Rotate one bit Right
           C -> [76543210] ->c


The value given is the address (16-bits) of a memory location that contains the 8-bit value to be used as constant.
LDA $06d3
STA $0200

3/4.Absolute, X  OR Absolute, Y

The final address is found by taking the given address as a base and adding the current value of the X or Y resister to it as an offset.
LDA $F453, X : where x contains 3
So, load the accumulator with the contents of address $f453 + 3= $f456.


The value given is a number to be used immediately by the instruction.
LDA #$99 loads the value $99 into the accumulator.


Many instructions are only one byte in length and do not reference memory.
CLC – Clear the carry flag
DEX – Decrement the X resister by one
TYT – Transfer the y resister to the accumulator
RTS – Return from the Subroutine
      It pulls the top two bytes off the stack and transfers program control to that address+1. Subroutine invoked via JSR which pushed the address -1.


Indirect addressing uses an absolute address to look up another address.
JMP($00f0) : jumps to the location pointed to by addresses $f0 and $f1. So PC=$cc01

LDA #$01
STA $f0
LDA #$cc
STA $f1
JMP ($00f0) ;dereferences to $cc01

8.X, Indirect

LDA ($05, X)
Take the zero page address, add the value of the X register to it, then use that to look up a two-byte address.
LDX #$01 ; x = $01
LDA #$05
STA $01
LDA #$07
STA $02
LDY #$0A
STY $0705
LDA($00, X) ; think ($00,X) as ( $00 + x) so this simplified to ($01)


LDA ($10), Y
Find the 16-bit address contained in the given location. Add to that address the contents of the Y
resister. Fetch the value stored at that address. It let’s you have easy access to many locations very quickly by just changing the Y resister or the pointer. The pointer for this addressing mode must be stored in zero page locations.


Relative addressing is used with eight instructions only: BVS, BVC, BCS, BCC, BEQ, BMI, BNE, BPL. They are all “branching” instructions. Branch on: overflow flag set (or cleared), carry flag set (or cleared), equal, minus, not-equal, or plus. Branch if Not-Equal, like the rest of this group, will jump up to 128 addresses forward or backward from where it is or 127 addresses backward (if the result of the most recent activity is "not equal"). Note that these jumps can be a distance of only 128, or 127 back, and they can go in either direction. You specify where the jump should go by giving an address within these boundaries.

11.Zero page

Zero page is a single-byte address. It use only two hex digits, any number between $00 and $ff or a decimal number between 0 and 255. This type of addressing is only the first page of memory is accessible. This is faster, as only one byte needs to be looked up, and takes up less space in the assembled code as well.

12.Zero page X

Add the value of the X register to given address.
LDX #$01
LDA #$aa
STA $a0, X ; store the value of A at memory location $a1
INX ; increment X
STA $a0 , X; store the value of A at memory location $a2

13.Zero page Y

This can only be used with LDX, STX.

when I study this part, it is not easy to understand. it just definition, so I feel that I need practice with sample code. it will help my understanding.

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